
Have you begun to notice more hair than usual on your brush, pillow, or shower drain? You may have alopecia. This condition affects approximately two percent of people in the United States. While there is no known cure for alopecia, there are a number of effective treatments available to help control symptoms.

At Metro Dermatology, we provide patients from all cultures and backgrounds with the dermatology care they need to lead healthy, thriving lives. If you’d like more information about our alopecia treatments or are interested in scheduling a consultation appointment at our practice, contact us today!

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs when the immune system inexplicably begins to attack healthy hair follicles. As the immune system attacks the follicles, it begins to shrink and slow down their usual production of hair, causing thinning and patches of baldness to develop on the scalp or body.

Each case of alopecia is different — for example, one person may experience complete baldness of the scalp, while others may develop small patches of baldness on both the scalp and body. Alopecia cannot be cured, but there are a number of techniques available today to effectively manage its impact on your day to day life.

What Causes it to Develop?

While the exact cause of alopecia is unknown, this condition is thought to be closely connected to a person’s genetic makeup. Individuals that have relatives with alopecia are considerably more likely to develop this condition.

How Can Metro Dermatology Help?

Our team of dermatologists and physician assistants at Metro Dermatology work together to provide patients suffering from alopecia with the diagnostic and corrective care they need to lead happy, confident lives. Before beginning treatment, a member of our medical staff will ask you about your medical history and patterns of hair loss while conducting a brief physical and scalp exam. If the cause of your hair loss is not clear after this examination, additional tests may be administered.

Once a patient is diagnosed with alopecia, our physicians can begin to present treatment options that can help slow the progression of hair loss. Based on your individual case, we will select the treatment that is best suited to your needs.

At Metro Dermatology, we strive to provide comprehensive, effective care for a variety of conditions of the skin, hair, and nails. If you’re interested in learning more about the treatments we offer, our medical staff, or the ways we can help address your alopecia, contact our Elmhurst, Flushing, Fort Lee, or Bronx offices today.