CoolSculpting® in Queens, NY

You have done the work. You have dieted relentlessly, you have exercised diligently, but that one bit of stubborn fat just will not go away. At this point, what more can you do? When you feel like you have done everything you possibly can to get rid of that persistent fat on your body, it may be time to call in the experts at Metro Dermatology for help — and luckily, we are here for you. With CoolSculpting in Queens, NY, we can help you get rid of the stubborn fat that just will not go away, so you can enjoy the fruit of your labors and show off that body you have worked so hard for!

So what are you waiting for? Contact Metro Dermatology to schedule a consultation to see if CoolSculpting Queens is the right treatment for you!

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a fat-freezing, FDA-cleared, treatment that uses controlled cooling to get rid of those stubborn pockets of fat that will not go away, despite how much you exercise and diet to get rid of them. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment, which makes it an excellent option for anyone who is looking to avoid invasive, surgical procedures to get the slim shape they desire.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting works by freezing and eliminating small pockets of fat cells — all without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. The treatment delivers controlled cooling to the target area, and it’s all done safely and efficiently. The fat cells are crystallized, or frozen, and they eventually die, leaving your body to process and eliminate the fat cells, which ultimately gives your body the shape you desire.

What Are the Benefits of CoolSculpting?

Targeted Fat Reduction

One CoolSculpting benefit is its ability to target specific areas of stubborn fat. Unlike weight loss programs that reduce fat uniformly all over your body, CoolSculpting treatment allows us to focus on the areas that concern you the most. This means you can get the shape you want, where you want it.

Non-Invasive and No Downtime

Another major advantage of CoolSculpting is that it’s non-surgical. This means you won’t have to worry about surgical risks or a lengthy recovery period. In fact, most of our patients return to their regular activities immediately after the session.

Smooth, Natural-Looking Results

One CoolSculpting benefit that patients appreciate is the smooth, natural-looking outcome. Unlike other fat-reduction treatments that can leave you with uneven or bumpy results, CoolSculpting works to gradually reduce fat layers, allowing your body to process and remove them naturally. This gives you a more refined silhouette that complements your body’s natural shape.

Fast, Effortless Appointments

We understand that your time is valuable. That’s why we’ve streamlined our CoolSculpting treatments to be as quick and effortless as possible. With an average treatment time of only about 35 minutes, you can fit your session into a lunch break and get back to your day with minimal disruption.

What Areas Does CoolSculpting Treat?

Coolsculpting is FDA-Cleared for the following nine treatment areas:

  • Jawline: If you’re bothered by a less defined jawline, CoolSculpting can work to sculpt this area. It can subtly enhance the contours of your jaw, giving it a more defined look.
  • Under the Chin: The area under the chin is often prone to accumulating fat. CoolSculpting effectively targets this region to reduce fullness and create a more streamlined profile.
  • Upper Arms: For those concerned with excess fat in the upper arm area, CoolSculpting offers a solution. It can help reduce the appearance of “bat wings,” leaving you with more toned arms.
  • Back Fat: Back fat can be difficult to eliminate with exercise alone. CoolSculpting can specifically target this area to help you feel more comfortable and confident in form-fitting clothing.
  • Bra Fat: This localized fat near the bra line can be particularly stubborn. CoolSculpting can make a noticeable difference, smoothing out the area to create a sleeker look.
  • Flank Area (Love Handles): Love handles are another common area where stubborn fat tends to accumulate. CoolSculpting can help reduce the fat in this area, offering a more contoured silhouette.
  • Abdomen: Achieving a flatter stomach is a common goal for many. CoolSculpting targets the abdominal area effectively, aiding in the reduction of belly fat.
  • Thighs: Whether you’re concerned about the inner or outer thighs, CoolSculpting can target either. It helps to reduce thigh fat, creating a more balanced proportion between your legs and torso.
  • Under the Buttocks (Banana Roll): The area under the buttocks, commonly referred to as the “banana roll,” can be effectively treated with CoolSculpting. This helps create a more lifted and toned appearance of the buttocks.

What Can I Expect From My CoolSculpting Treatment?

Your CoolSculpting experience begins with a tailored consultation to discuss your goals and assess the treatment areas. We can customize the CoolSculpting procedure to target the areas that you want to focus on, eliminating the fat in the areas you feel most self-conscious about.

During the treatment, you may feel a mild tugging or pinching sensation and initial coldness that usually subsides as the area numbs. The procedure is comfortable enough to read, work, or relax while it’s happening.

You may achieve the desired results in one visit, or it may take multiple trips to our offices, depending on the target areas and how much work needs to be done to achieve your goals. Post-treatment, you might experience temporary redness or tingling, which typically resolves quickly.

We will be happy to work with you to find the best and most personalized CoolSculpting experience for you! We are committed to providing effective, patient-centered care throughout your CoolSculpting treatment.

A Few CoolSculpting FAQs

Is CoolSculpting a Weight Loss Treatment?

No, CoolSculpting treatment is not a weight loss solution. It is a fat reduction procedure designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells in specific areas. While you may notice a change in your appearance and how your clothes fit, the treatment is not intended to significantly reduce your weight.

What Is Recovery Like After CoolSculpting?

The recovery process after CoolSculpting is usually straightforward and minimal. Most people return to their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

How Many CoolSculpting Sessions Will I Need?

The number of CoolSculpting sessions required varies depending on the individual and the areas being treated. Some may achieve their desired results in a single session, while others might need multiple treatments. We will discuss your specific goals and customize a plan during your consultation.

How Long Does It Take to See CoolSculpting Results?

The timing of CoolSculpting results can vary, but most people start to see changes as early as three weeks after the treatment. The most noticeable results are usually visible between one and three months post-treatment. It’s important to note that individual results may vary, and we can provide a more specific timeline during your consultation.

Am I a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Ideal candidates for CoolSculpting are people who are near their goal weight, maintain a relatively healthy lifestyle, and are committed to maintaining their results after the treatment. They should also have realistic expectations about what the treatment can do for them. The treatment is also best for those who have pinchable fat in the areas that are going to be treated since there needs to be enough fat to pull into the device during treatment.

Contact Us Today for CoolSculpting Treatments

If you think CoolSculpting may be the right treatment for you, or if you would like to find out more, give us a call at Metro Dermatology in Queens, NY, to schedule an appointment. We would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss your goals for fat reduction! You can fill out a form on our website or call us at (718) 886-9000.