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Ditch Your Razor in 2016 with Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic medical procedure that uses a laser to remove unwanted hair. The procedure can be used on almost every part of the body except the eyelid or area surrounding the eye.

Whether it’s on your legs, armpits, back or bikini line, you can gradually reduce the amount of hair. Some people require maintenance treatments once or twice a year, but for many the effects last for years.

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It virtually eliminates the necessity of shaving, waxing or tweezing to remove unwanted hair.

The process involves a highly concentrated light beam that attacks the pigment in the hair and destroys the hair follicle. The follicle will no longer be able to grow hair.

Since hair grows in cycles, it usually requires several treatments to remove most of the hair in one area because it only works during the growth cycle.

The main benefits of laser hair removal are precision removal, speed and predictability. Our practitioner can focus the laser on specific coarse dark hair without damaging the surrounding skin.

If hair does grow back, it is usually lighter and finer.

The main areas that laser hair removal can treat are:

• The upper lip and chin
• Shoulders
• Neck
• Back
• Chest
• Bikini area

If you struggle with removing unwanted hair every day, week or month and are tired of shaving, plucking and painful waxing, laser hair removal may be for you.

Before starting, we recommend you have a consultation with us to understand the risks and benefits. However, the risks are minimal.

Prior to a treatment, you shouldn’t pluck, wax or have electrolysis for some time before you plan to have the treatment.

The reason is that these hair removal techniques damage the follicle, which is needed to be healthy for laser hair removal to work. However, you can shave if you want because that doesn’t affect the follicle.

It is also better to avoid direct exposure to the sun for some time because sun exposure may make the treatment less effective.

For a day or two after the treatment, your skin may have some redness.

People who regularly need to remove unwanted hair can save a lot of time and trouble by having laser hair removal. They’ll have smooth skin for months if not years and only rarely need to get a maintenance treatment.

Contact Metro Dermatology today to schedule a consultation. We can give you a good idea of how laser hair removal will benefit your appearance and lifestyle.

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