Dyschromia Treatment in Queens, NY

Most people don’t have a completely even skin tone, and many of our patients have sun spots or other changes in their skin. However, for some people, these changes in skin color, sometimes called dyschromia, can be more severe, causing them to seek out treatments. 

At Metro Dermatology in Queens, NY, we offer treatments for Dyschromia that can help you regain a more even skin tone. All of our treatments are customizable depending on what is causing your skin tone to change, your skin type, and other factors. 

What Is Dyschromia?

Dyschromia is a broad term that refers to alterations in the color of the skin. Dyschromia can commonly occur on the face, causing uneven skin tone and discoloration in an area that can be frustrating for many people. Some patients experience patches of skin that are lighter in color, called hypopigmentation, while others experience darkening of the skin, called hyperpigmentation.


When there is an overproduction of melanin in the skin, it can cause patches of your skin to have a darker color than the surrounding areas. This type of dyschromia of the skin is often caused by too much sun exposure without the use of sunscreen. It can also be triggered by hormonal changes or certain medications. Melasma is a type of hyperpigmentation that is often experienced by pregnant women. These gray-brown patches can appear on the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead, and more. 


When the skin cells that are responsible for producing pigment become damaged, there can be a decrease in melanin production, leading to hypopigmentation. Several things may be causing this condition including skin inflammation, skin infections, injury to the skin, vitiligo, or other medical conditions. 

What Are the Available Treatments for Dyschromia?

Treating Hyperpigmentation

Of the two types of dyschromia, hyperpigmentation is often the easiest to treat. Excess melanin can often be broken down, and the skin can be encouraged to produce new skin cells through various methods, such as laser treatments, topical creams, and more. 

Laser Toning Treatments

Laser toning is a type of dyschromia treatment that targets underlying tissues while bypassing the surface of the skin. When the laser energy is emitted, it penetrates the skin and helps to break down the excess melanin. 

Vitamin C Iontophoresis

Vitamin C is an excellent way to brighten the skin. When used in conjunction with a mild electrical current, this antioxidant can effectively reduce dark spots and discoloration. The electrical current allows for vitamin C to penetrate the skin much more effectively. This treatment also has the benefit of increasing collagen production in the skin, helping it to have fewer lines and wrinkles, and protecting it from further dyschromia of the skin and other types of damage. 

Fractional Laser Resurfacing

Fractional laser resurfacing is a partially ablating treatment that targets tiny pinpoints of skin while leaving the surrounding skin untouched. This treatment allows for the body’s natural healing processes to produce new, healthy skin cells, improving skin tone.

Fractional laser resurfacing emits light energy that targets the pigment in the skin. When this energy is absorbed by the pigment, it breaks it into smaller particles. These particles are then naturally eliminated by the body’s immune system. In addition to evening the skin tone, fractional lasers can improve other signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles, and they can help heal acne scarring or other texture concerns. 

Treating Hypopigmentation

Treating hypopigmentation can sometimes be a more complicated process. Our treatment will depend on what is causing this condition. Treatments for hypopigmentation can range from light therapy to medication. You can contact us and set up a consultation to learn more about our hypopigmentation treatments. 

Dyschromia FAQs

How Is Dyschromia Diagnosed?

Dyschromia should be diagnosed through a skin examination by a dermatologist. During your examination, your doctor may ask you about your medical history, exposure to the sun, medications that you are taking that may be causing changes to your skin pigmentation, and more. Sometimes a skin biopsy is necessary to determine the cause of your skin tone changes. 

Is Dyschromia Preventable?

While not all types of dyschromia are preventable, certain lifestyle changes can help to reduce your risk. You can begin by protecting your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen and hats. You can visit your doctor to manage any hormonal imbalances and maintain a healthy skin routine. Sometimes dyschromia can be linked to underlying health conditions, so it is a good idea to schedule an appointment as soon as you notice changes to your skin. 

How Long Does It Take to See Results From Dyschromia Treatments?

The timeline of seeing results from your treatments will vary based on the treatment that your dermatologist has selected for you, and can also depend on the severity of your condition. It may take several laser treatments spread out over a few months to begin seeing significant results. Vitamin C Iontophoresis may also require multiple sessions. 

Can Dyschormia Treatments Be Performed on All Skin Types?

All skin types can benefit from dyschromia treatments. However, you will need to have a consultation with us to determine which treatment is best for your skin type. 

Call Us Today for a Consultation in Queens, NY

If you have noticed changes to your skin tone, you can schedule an appointment with us at Metro Dermatology to have us examine the area and recommend treatment. We can determine your dyschromia cause and treat all forms of dyschromia on the face and on other areas of your body. Call us today at (718) 886-9000 for more information or contact us online