
Eternal Sculpting: Understanding How Long Body Contouring Lasts

Body contouring is a dynamic approach to reshaping and refining physical appearance, serving as a cornerstone of modern cosmetic treatments. At Metro Dermatology in Queens, NY, we proudly offer advanced body contouring options tailored to meet individual needs. Here, we will explore the essence of body contouring, including non-surgical methods, and highlight the sustained benefits they provide.

What Is Body Contouring?

Body contouring refers to various treatments and procedures that reshape an area of the body by removing excess skin and fat. Non-surgical body contouring, in particular, involves less invasive treatments designed to reduce fat, tighten skin, and improve body contours without incisions or surgery.

The benefits of body contouring are numerous. Patients can expect a more sculpted and toned appearance and a treatment experience tailored to their comfort and safety. Our non-surgical techniques are particularly beneficial in reducing the risk of infection and scarring. Additionally, these methods often result in a quicker return to normal activities, allowing our patients to enjoy their new looks without significant downtime.

How Long Does Body Contouring Last?

The longevity of non-surgical body contouring results varies depending on several factors. Those factors include the following:

Treatment Method

Different non-surgical contouring technologies have varying impacts on fat cells and skin. For instance, treatments using radiofrequency or ultrasound may require multiple sessions to achieve desired outcomes, and the body may continue to eliminate affected fat cells for weeks or months after the initial treatments.


Elasticity is an important factor in the appearance of the skin. Younger skin tends to have better elasticity, which can lead to more pronounced and longer-lasting results compared to older individuals whose skin elasticity has diminished.

Body Type and Genetics

People’s bodies react differently to body contouring based on their genetic makeup and current body composition. Those closer to their ideal body weight typically see more noticeable and durable results.


A person’s lifestyle can significantly influence the results of body contouring. Maintaining a stable weight through diet and exercise is crucial; gaining weight can lead to the development of new fat cells, which can alter the treatment’s results. Regular physical activity and a balanced diet help sustain the outcomes.

Maintenance Treatments

Some treatments might require periodic follow-up sessions to prolong the effects of non-surgical body contouring. These sessions help maintain the reduction of fat cells and skin tightening. The frequency of these maintenance treatments depends on the specific technology used and the individual’s response to the initial treatment.

Which Body Contouring Options Do We Provide?

At Metro Dermatology, we offer a variety of body sculpting techniques tailored to meet individual needs and preferences. Our body contouring services include:


CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring technique that uses cryolipolysis to effectively target and eliminate fat cells by freezing them without harming the surrounding tissues. This treatment involves applying a device to the desired area, such as the abdomen, thighs, under the chin, or the back, where it cools the fat cells to a temperature that causes them to crystallize and die. The body then naturally processes and removes these dead cells.

CoolSculpting is highly valued for its lack of downtime requirements, making it an excellent choice for individuals with busy schedules. Results can appear within one to three months, and improvements may continue for up to six months, depending on the individual’s response to treatment.

Vanquish Body Contouring Platform

Vanquish is a non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency technology to target and destroy fat cells without surgical intervention. It is typically used for reducing fat around the abdomen, thighs, and flanks. The device raises the temperature of fat cells to a level that induces a process called apoptosis, or fat cell death. The body then naturally eliminates the dead fat cells. This treatment requires multiple sessions, and results gradually appear as the body processes the destroyed fat cells.

VASER™ Assisted Liposuction

VASER Assisted Liposuction is a less invasive form of liposuction that uses ultrasound technology to break up fat cells before they are removed from the body through suction. It is known for its ability to target fat more precisely and gently than traditional liposuction, allowing for easier fat removal and potentially smoother results.

VASER is typically used for more detailed body sculpting and can be applied to various areas, including the abdomen, thighs, arms, and neck. It has a quicker recovery time than traditional liposuction and can provide significant contouring results that are generally long-lasting, provided there are no significant fluctuations in weight.

How Do You Know Which Treatment Is Best for You?

The best way to determine which body sculpting treatment aligns with your goals is through a personalized consultation with us. During the consultation, we assess your body concerns, discuss your aesthetic goals, and review your medical history to ensure that the recommended treatment is safe and appropriate. This tailored approach allows us to select the non-surgical or non-invasive body contouring method to offer you the most effective results.

Finding Your Fit: Personalized Body Contouring in Queens, NY

Body contouring at Metro Dermatology in Queens, NY, provides a path to achieving aesthetic goals through safe, effective, and long-lasting treatments. We are here to guide you through each step of the process. We can tailor a treatment plan that best suits your needs and expectations, ensuring you achieve the lasting results you desire. If you are considering body contouring and wondering which option is right for you, we invite you to contact us online or call us at (718) 886-9000 to schedule a consultation.

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