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How Long Does Juvederm Last?

A couple of decades ago, Botox began to revolutionize the anti-aging industry. Today Juvederm is advancing the revolution. At Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY, we believe the more high-quality options people have the better the results will be. Today, we’re answering our most frequently asked question: how long does Juvederm last and many more questions. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Juvederm.

Why Is Juvederm So Popular?

Juvederm is so popular because the face is the first place that shows signs of aging. Your cheeks become sunken or hollow. You start to lose volume in your skin, including fat and bone. Combined with increasing skin laxity, you will start to look at your chronological age even if you have taken excellent care of your skin in the past.

Can’t Botox Help?

Botox is effective for the reduction or elimination of “motion” lines and wrinkles on your face. These lines appear on your face when you frown, laugh, smile, talk, yawn, or raise your eyebrows inquisitively. These fine lines and wrinkles make you look older, but treating them doesn’t treat other signs of aging.

While Botox tightens your skin, the hyaluronic acid found in Juvederm restores volume to your lips, cheeks, forehead, and chin. Depending on the current condition of your skin, we may recommend using both Botox and Juvederm to reverse the signs of aging in your face.

What Is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is the active ingredient in Juvederm. It is a sugar that occurs naturally in your skin tissue. Its job is to keep your skin plump and hydrated. Moreover, it is FDA-approved for safety and effectiveness in correcting age-related volume loss.

How Long Does Juvederm Last?

So, how long does Juvederm last? Unfortunately, the answer is, it depends. There are several factors that determine how long the effects of Juvederm last. The treatment area is perhaps the most significant factor that affects the question of how long does Juvederm last. If the filler is injected in a facial region with high mobility, such as the lips, the duration of the treatment’s effects will be shortened. If the treatment is injected in a facial area that is more static, or if more CCs are used in the injection, the effects will last longer.

Is There Any Way to Make It Last Longer?

How Long Does Juvederm Last? To keep the results of Juvederm perfect, you should come in at 12 months for a follow-up appointment to make sure everything still looks as it should. The effects of Juvederm often last only 18 months, so a year after your first injection is the best time to have another treatment session. This way you can maintain your youthful look rather than allowing the effects wearing off.

If you see the effects starting to wear off, call us right away for a follow-up appointment. Regular injections will help the results last longer.

Another way to make the effects of Juvederm last longer is to take good care of your skin and overall health. Make sure you’re drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. Take nutritional supplements if you’re lacking a vitamin or mineral in your daily diet. Apply sunscreen to your face before going outside, even in the winter, and moisturize and exfoliate your skin regularly. The healthier you are, the younger you will look.

How Long Does the Treatment Session Last?

Sometimes, when our clients ask how long does Juvederm last, they’re really trying to ask about how long the treatment session lasts. Again, this depends on your unique situation. However, the entire treatment usually takes around 15 and 60 minutes. If you’re only having your forehead between your eyebrows treated, you will be in and out quickly. If you are treating your lips, the area around your mouth, and the skin beneath your nose, treatment will take a little longer. Have your consultation today for us to recommend and explain further how long does Juvederm last.

What Is Juvederm Voluma?

Juvederm Voluma is one of the most popular Juvederm formulations. It’s FDA-approved for correcting age-related volume loss in the middle of the face. In fact, in 2013, it was the only injectable approved by the FDA for this treatment. There are currently three Juvederm lines being manufactured using Vycross Technology. This patented manufacturing process allows for the most efficient cross-linking of hyaluronic acid molecules with high and low mass and density.

Of the three Juvederm lines using this advanced technology–Juvederm Voluma, Juvederm Volbella, and Juvederm Vollure–Voluma is the firmest, thickest formulation. This means it offers the best lift and support functionality of the three lines. Juvederm Voluma is known affectionately as a “liquid facelift” because the volumization and firming of the atrophied middle face area rejuvenates and enhances your face, helping you look younger without surgery.

How Long Does Juvederm Voluma Last?

The duration of Juvederm Voluma’s effects will vary from client to client based on lifestyle, genetics, and other factors. However, you can reasonably expect your results to last between 18 months and two years. For the best results, we strongly recommend that you come in for a follow-up as soon as you notice the effects starting to wear off. This way, you will maintain your youthful appearance even as the initial injection begins to degrade.

Properties of the Filler

The properties of the filler is another significant factor in how long Juvederm lasts. In its native form, hyaluronic acid is broken down rapidly in the body. To slow this effect, proprietary cross-linking is implemented in the manufacturing process to help it last longer. The more cross-linked the filler is, the longer it will remain viable in your body.

Intrinsic Factors

Intrinsic factors play a major role in how long the effects of Juvederm last. These are factors intrinsic to you and your body. For example, your skin type affects the duration of the treatment’s benefits. Moreover, your genetics play a large role in how quickly your body metabolizes the hyaluronic acid.

Finally, your habits and lifestyle play a critical role in how long the hyaluronic acid is retained within your skin. For example, if you smoke, drink alcohol in excess, or expose your face to the sun’s damaging rays without protection for prolonged periods, the effects of the treatment won’t last as long.

Physician Experience and Technique

The final important factor in determining how long the results of Juvederm will last is the experience and technique of the physician injecting the filler. For example, an inexperienced person may inject too much filler in one place, leaving unsightly lumps. However, an experienced professional will know how to massage the filler until it is distributed evenly.

For the best, and longest-lasting results, look for a board-certified doctor to perform or oversee your anti-aging treatment. Each of our dermatologists is board-certified M.Ds. We also have a certified nurse practitioner on staff and four certified physician assistants to assist wherever needed. With eight languages spoken across our team, including Korean, Cantonese, and Mandarin, we’re sure you’ll be able to communicate comfortably.

How Long Does Juvederm Ultra Last?

Juvederm Voluma, Volbella, and Vollure feature a high level of cross-linking between heavy and light molecules. However, they aren’t the only Juvederm fillers on the market. Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus are highly popular types of Juvederm fillers, that aren’t so significantly cross-linked. As a result, Juvederm Ultra, Ultra Plus, Ultra XC, and Ultra Plus XC last only six to 12 months.

When deciding which specific filler is right for you, it’s important to consider how you feel about needles. Juvederm treatment is never painful and requires no downtime. However, any filler ending with “XC” contains lidocaine to numb the treatment area. This way, you don’t feel the injections at all. We recommend this formulation for people who aren’t too fond of needles but still want to reverse the signs of aging in their face without the extensive downtime associated with a facelift.

How Should Juvederm Ultra Be Used?

Dermal fillers can be injected into nearly any trouble area. However, Juvederm Ultra is particularly useful for adding volume to the lips. Similarly, Juvederm Ultra Plus works best at treating marionette lines and nasolabial folds. If you need to plump up your cheeks, we recommend Juvederm Voluma or Juvederm Voluma XC. This is the most robust and durable Juvederm formulation and will provide the best results while lasting up to two years.

Undoing the Work of Inferior Providers

Another reason Juvederm is so popular is the existence of hyaluronidase. This enzyme “melts” the filler instantly. If you tried to save money by getting your dermal filler injected by the cheapest provider, and you aren’t happy with the results, you can have hyaluronidase injected into the treatment site to reverse the effects of that “treatment” immediately.

What Other Options Do I Have?

Botox and Dysport are used to treat “motion” lines on your face. But when it comes to dermal fillers, Juvederm and Restylane are the two most common options, and both use hyaluronic acid as an active ingredient. Juvederm treatment is typically used to treat moderate-to-severe wrinkles around the nose and the mouth as well as to subtly restore volume to your lips and cheeks.


Besides, hyaluronic acid fillers, there are two other types of dermal fillers that use chemical compounds found naturally in the body. Radiesse uses microspheres of the active ingredient calcium hydroxylapatite. First, this substance provides instantaneous volume to your thinning lips or gaunt cheeks. Second, it encourages your body to create more collagen. Collagen is essential in keeping your skin tight and your face looking youthful. This natural boost to collagen production will help you look younger even as the initial plumping results of the injection wear off.


Sculptra is similar to Radiesse in that it works gradually to replace lost collagen. This is achieved through the use of its active ingredient, poly-L lactic acid. A significant benefit to poly-L lactic acid is it has been used safely and effectively for years in dissolvable stitches. This chemical compound is both biodegradable and biocompatible and results are long-lasting.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

The answer to how long does Juvederm last depends on several factors, including how quickly your body metabolizes hyaluronic acid and what type of Juvederm injection you receive. To learn more about Juvederm and discover which type of injectable is right for you, contact the dedicated medical professionals at Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, New York today to schedule your initial consultation. We will assess your needs and help you find the perfect fit to help you achieve your goals without any pain or downtime.



John Kim

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