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What Are the Most Common Methods for Removing Scars?

Almost everyone has at least one small scar somewhere on their body. While scars aren’t usually something to be concerned about, they can be a cosmetic concern and affect the patient’s self-confidence. At Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY, we frequently work with people who have small marks caused by acne, chicken pox, and minor accidents. Read on to find out more about our permanent scar removal techniques.

What Are the Most Common Scar Removal Methods?

You develop scars because your body isn’t able to heal properly after an injury. If your scars are very large and raised, you might need to see a dermatologist about them. However, we can treat small marks that come from prolonged bouts of acne, chicken pox, or minor accidents at the clinic. We employ several minimally invasive methods.

Depending on your medical history and the condition of your skin, we might suggest laser treatment, platelet-rich plasma injections, chemical peels, or prescription medication. Sometimes, several methods are needed, and treatment might take up to six months. However, most people don’t have to come back to the clinic after their initial set of treatments because the results are permanent.

Laser Treatment

Lasers have been used to enhance the appearance of the skin, get rid of excess hair, and solve cosmetic problems related to aging for many years. When laser or light energy is applied to the treatment area, the cells are heated up. The top layer of the skin is destroyed, and the healing process is stimulated. The remaining tissues produce more collagen and encourage the body to create new, healthy cells.

Laser treatment is appropriate for people who have just undergone surgery and are worried about scarring. It is particularly effective if the scars haven’t formed yet. However, it can also improve the appearance of existent scars, make the skin more elastic, and reduce pain or itching related to the scar. There are several laser treatments, so you’ll almost certainly find a method that works well for you.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injections

Platelet-rich plasma is a substance that comes from the patient’s blood. It contains platelets, small blood cells that stimulate the production of healthy tissue. When PRP is injected into the treatment area, the body breaks down old cells and produces new ones at a much faster rate than usual. After several sessions, the skin is smoother than before.

PRP is one of the most popular treatments because the substance is natural, and it’s highly unlikely that patients experience side effects. This treatment is used on people who would like to get rid of scars, but it can also reduce the effects of aging and address painful skin or joint conditions. Each PRP session only takes a few minutes, and patients can return to their regular activities almost right away.

Chemical Peels

During a chemical peel, the outer layer of your skin is removed with a chemical solution. The body then produces new skin that is clearer, more evenly toned, and less scarred. This treatment is also used to prevent future acne breakouts and lighten dark spots. You might need to have several chemical peels to achieve the desired results.

Although there are some at-home peels available, it’s always better to come to the clinic. We can safely apply the chemical, so your risk is much lower. We work with a wide range of different substances, some of which are more effective than the ones you can buy in the drugstore. Not all chemicals are suitable for all skin types. To make sure you receive the best treatment possible, we’ll invite you to the clinic for an initial consultation.

Prescription Medication and Skincare Products

Sometimes, topical medication is prescribed to address small acne scars and discolored skin. If you’re not sure which skincare products are best, reach out to us. We work with a range of leading brands, and we’ll be happy to analyze your skin and let you know which lotions and serums are most likely to enhance your features and reduce scarring.

Which Treatment Is Right for Me?

The only way to find out which treatment is suitable for you is to come to the clinic and take part in an assessment. We’ll have a look at your skin, discuss past treatments you’ve tried, and review your medical history to figure out which method is both safe and effective. We only use minimally invasive treatments, so we can work with you even if you have a medical condition that prevents you from taking part in plastic surgery.

If you have shallow acne scars, a chemical peel or PRP injections might be enough to address your condition. However, you’ll need to have several treatments if you have deeper scars that penetrate the lower layers of your skin.

Which Treatment Is the Safest?

We don’t use any unsafe treatments, and we don’t offer any risky surgeries that require several weeks of recovery. Because every person’s body is different, it’s hard to say which of our methods is the safest. Some people prefer platelet-rich plasma injections because they are made up of a natural substance that comes from the patient’s blood.

However, others would rather have laser treatment, since this doesn’t involve injecting anything into the treatment area. When deciding which treatment is the most suitable for you, we also take into consideration your personal preferences.

How Long Do Results Last?

Most of our scar removal treatments don’t yield instant results, and you might need to come to the clinic for three to six months to get rid of your acne or chicken pox scars. Because the body needs some time to produce new, healthy tissues, you might have to wait for several weeks before you see the outcome.

Once your scars have been removed, it’s unlikely that they will come back, unless you suffer from the underlying condition again or have another accident. Sometimes, patients return to the clinic once or twice a year for maintenance appointments because they enjoy the way their skin feels after a chemical peel, PRP injection, or laser session.

How Can I Enhance My Results?

Always follow our instructions, both before and after treatment. We might tell you to stop taking blood-thinning medication and supplements and avoid alcohol for a few days. It’s extremely important that you don’t expose your treatment area to direct sunlight in the days before and after your session. UV rays can cause a lot of damage to your tissues and therefore affect your results.

In the long run, you can maintain your beautiful complexion by always wearing sunscreen when you go outside, eating a healthy and nutritious diet, and drinking plenty of water to hydrate your skin. Regular exercise makes all your tissues stronger and prevents premature aging.

Am I a Good Candidate?

If you have stubborn scars that don’t get better over time, you’re a good candidate for our treatments. We work with people of all ages and backgrounds, and we tailor each treatment plan to the individual’s needs. Because our methods are minimally invasive, they are suitable for those who aren’t in perfect health. They are also great for people who lead a busy lifestyle and don’t have time to spend several weeks recovering from an operation.

Let us know if you have any health issues or if you believe you might be pregnant. Those with serious medical conditions need to speak to their doctors before coming to the clinic. Expectant mothers can’t take part in some treatments, so they might have to wait until their baby is born. People who have an active infection at the treatment site or a fever aren’t good candidates.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

Patients who have minimal scars might see great results after their first or second chemical peel, laser session, or PRP injection. Most people, especially those with more prominent scarring, need to come to the clinic at least three to six times. Treatments are often spaced one month apart, so the skin has time to recover and start producing more collagen. Sometimes, several methods are combined, in which case more appointments might be necessary.

Get Rid of Scars Now

There are several minimally invasive scar removal methods. At the clinic, we frequently use laser treatment, PRP injections, and chemical peels. Sometimes, we ask patients to use prescription medication or certain types of skincare products. Get in touch with us at Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY to find out which of our methods is suitable for your skin.


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