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Can Acne Scars Go Away?

Acne scars can be incredibly difficult and discouraging to deal with. After years or months of battling against acne breakouts, it can be dismaying to discover acne scars on your skin even after you have successfully achieved clear skin. So, is there any solution for acne scar removal? Fortunately, at Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY we know that acne scars treatment can be used for successful scar removal. Learn more about acne scar treatments before you contact our offices in Elmhurst, Flushing, Bronx, and Fort Lee, NJ.

Can Acne Scars Go Away?

First and foremost, many people who struggle with acne scarring want to know if it’s possible for scarring to go away naturally. The fact of that matter is that this will ultimately depend on the type of scarring you have. Some atrophic acne scars, like post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, will fade after several weeks or months as the skin heals. But even atrophic scars can linger for years based on your skin type and the severity of your acne.

In general, most acne scars will not go away by themselves or even with at-home treatments with chemical exfoliants like lactic or glycolic acid. For true acne scar removal, you will need acne scars treatments to achieve even-toned skin with a smooth texture.

What Are Acne Scar Removal Treatments?

There are several treatments that can be used to treat acne scars. Based on the type of scar you have, the severity of the scar, your skin type, and the location of the scarring, you may have one or more treatment options available to help you achieve skin perfection. Some of the most common types of acne scars treatment include:

Prescription Creams

Prescription creams are topical treatments that you maintain at the comfort of your own home. These treatments are generally used to correct pigmentation scars caused by acne, particularly cystic acne. Post-inflammatory pigmentation is the most common type of atrophic acne scarring and causes patches of darker skin where acne inflammation once was. Prescription creams work to lighten the pigment of the skin in these areas to improve your skin tone.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are very versatile for acne scar removal. In general, laser treatments can be used to treat almost any type of acne scar, even severe scarring from chronic acne and cystic acne. Laser treatments work by simultaneously exfoliating the skin and stimulating the production of collagen deep within the dermal layers of the skin. Laser treatments are safe for most skin types and skin tones.


Microneedling is another acne scar treatment that can be very beneficial for the skin. This treatment is commonly used to treat shallow acne scars, particularly on the cheeks. Microneedling works by creating micro-injuries on the skin surface that incite the skin’s natural production of collagen and elastin; over time, increased collagen in the skin will reduce the appearance of shallow scarring.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are also a way to reduce the appearance of acne scars. It’s common to use dermal fillers to increase collagen production in deep acne scars, such as ice pick scars, which are difficult to treat with other acne scar removal treatments. Dermal fillers are not appropriate for all types of acne scars, such as very shallow scars or pigmented scars, but they can greatly improve the appearance of deep or severe scarring that has not responded to other treatments.

Chemical Peels

Finally, chemical peels are a powerful treatment to remove or reduce acne scars. Chemical peels can be used for atrophic scarring and shallow scarring on all areas of the face, including the forehead. A peel works by using strong chemicals to exfoliate the upper layers of the skin; when this skin is removed, new, unblemished skin becomes visible. Chemical peels can also be a way to control acne breakouts.

How Long Do Scar Removal Results Last?

The results of your removal treatment will generally depend on several factors, including the type of scar being treated and the treatment method. Some treatments produce longer-lasting results, such as laser treatments and microneedling for certain scars. By contrast, dermal filler treatments will not produce permanent results.

The type of scar is also important for the longevity of your results. In general, treating atrophic scarring leads to the longest-lasting results since this type of scar is only surface-deep. Scars related to issues in collagen formation or poor healing of the skin may not produce results lasting longer than a year or so. Your provider will be able to give you a better idea of how long you can expect your results to last.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

The number of treatments you will need to remove or reduce your acne scars will depend on the treatment or treatments you are using. Some laser treatments are powerful enough to reduce acne scars in as little as one appointment, while other laser or IPL treatments may need multiple sessions to improve the appearance of the skin.

Some treatments may also require annual appointments once or twice a year to maintain your results. For example, dermal fillers, microneedling, and chemical peels may all require annual appointments so you can continue to see positive results.

When Will You See Results?

How quickly you will see results will also depend on factors such as the treatment being used and the number of treatments required to produce your optimal results. You may be able to see the results of a laser treatment about a month after treatment, while the results of prescription creams may take six to eight weeks.

A chemical peel, on the other hand, may be able to produce improvements within only a few weeks. Additionally, a dermal filler can produce results within hours after your treatment. We will be able to give you a better idea of when you can see your results during your consultation.

Are You a Good Candidate for Acne Scar Treatment?

Most people who have acne scars are good candidates for acne scars treatment. Women and men over the age of 21 who have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, icepick scars, boxcar scars, rolling scars, and keloid scars are usually good matches for one or more treatments for acne scar reduction and removal.

Candidates for this treatment should have healthy skin with acne that is well-managed. Some treatments for acne scars cannot be effective if you have active acne. If you want to treat your acne scars, then you may first need to have treatment to reduce or control your active acne. Additionally, some treatments may not be ideal for women who are pregnant or nursing.

What Are the Benefits of This Treatment?

Reducing the appearance of your acne scars is the biggest benefit of this treatment. When your skin is smooth and even-toned, you will feel more confident about your appearance. Acne scars can be incredibly detrimental to your overall sense of self-confidence, so without acne scars, you will feel better about yourself. Some other benefits include:

Better Looking Cosmetics

If you are a fan of make-up, then you might already know that textural acne scars can make foundations and other cosmetics difficult to wear. Make-up worn over deep acne scars can actually make scarring worse. People who have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or lingering redness from chronic acne may also struggle to cover these scars. After successful acne scars treatment, you may not even want or need to wear make-up.

Better Skin Health

While many of these treatments are used to improve the appearance of scars, they can also have the added benefit of improving the appearance of your skin overall. Because most of these treatments are used on all areas of the face, you can potentially improve the appearance of blemishes, sun damage, age spots, skin laxity, and fine lines or wrinkles. These treatments can also be combined with other aesthetic treatments to improve the tone, texture, and overall appearance of your skin.

Start Your Acne Scars Treatment Today

Whether you have mild acne scars or severe acne scars, any scarring on the skin can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. The good news is that you can easily improve the appearance of acne scars with several aesthetic treatments, including laser treatments, topical prescriptions, and other acne scar treatments. Please contact Metro Dermatology at our main Elmhurst, NY office or one of our offices in Flushing, NY, Bronx, NY, or Fort Lee, NJ to schedule your first appointment for acne scar treatment.

John Kim

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