
How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?

Getting a tattoo can be a fun and rewarding experience — and sometimes, it can be a mistake. If you have a tattoo that you regret or that you’ve just outgrown, you may think that you have no option but to live with it. At Metro Dermatology, we offer laser tattoo removal services to help you undo that mistake. But how does laser tattoo removal work?

How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work? Using Light to Remove Ink

A tattoo is made of inks and pigments that create images or words on your skin. Your body is very good at absorbing foreign particles, with your immune system taking control to eliminate them. However, ink particles are too large to be absorbed. The ink that makes up tattoos sits right under your skin, so the best treatment option is to turn to lasers. 

Tattoo removal services focus on breaking down the ink particles into the kind of smaller pieces that your immune system can handle so that you can eliminate the ink naturally. Lasers are particularly good at this, relying on a high-intensity beam that affects pigment but not your skin. Black tattoos are the easiest to treat because black ink absorbs all laser wavelengths, while other colors require more precision. 

The light targets the ink it reaches first, heating it up and then shattering it, which means the shallowest layers of ink are the first ones to get treatment. Because of the many skin layers that tattoos can involve, the laser removal tattoo process requires more than one treatment session. 

The best candidates for laser tattoo removal are people who:

  • Are in overall good health
  • Have realistic expectations about the process
  • Don’t smoke

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are taking medications that make your skin more sensitive to light, have an injury at the site of the tattoo, or have a history of abnormal scarring, you may not be the best candidate for the procedure. 

Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment: Why It Is the Best Option

There are other ways of removing tattoos, including chemical peels, but one of the risks is the development of scar tissue in the area. That is not something you have to worry about with laser tattoo removal treatment. Because the laser only affects the ink and not your skin, you don’t have to stress about injuring tissues. 

Laser tattoo removal services are non-invasive, so there’s very little downtime. Compare this with chemical peels or other dermabrasion options, and you can see why it can be a better choice. 

Many people stress about their skin color when trying to remove a tattoo, but that is not a concern with laser removal tattoo options. Removals done with lasers can be adjusted to suit your exact skin type and color. The latest advances in laser technology have also made it possible to target all pigments, not just the darkest ones. 

Beginning Your Laser Tattoo Removal Experience

If you have grown tired of seeing a tattoo on your body, schedule a consultation with us. At this consultation, we will take a look at the tattoo, inspect your skin, and ask you about your medical history. This will give us a good idea of whether laser tattoo removal services can be the right choice. 

We’ll also offer some guidance on how to prepare for laser tattoo removal services. It’s crucial that you don’t take any blood thinners and that you avoid alcohol on the days leading to the first treatment session. You also want to avoid sun exposure since tanned skin is more sensitive. 

If you’re a smoker, think about quitting. Smoking can slow down the healing process. Before you come to your treatment sessions, eat a light snack and drink water. 

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Painful?

It is not painful because we will provide an anesthetic cream that will numb the treatment area. You may feel a bit of pressure, and some people describe a bit of a snapping sensation. Let us know throughout the process whether you are feeling discomfort. 

Throughout the process, we will also give you protective goggles to wear to keep your eyes safe. The length of the procedure, as well as the number of sessions you will need, depends on the size of the tattoo and on the various pigments it has. 

Laser Tattoo Removal Recovery: What to Expect

After the treatment session, you can take over-the-counter painkillers that are not blood thinners and use ice packs if you need to. We usually apply a dressing over the treatment area so that it can start healing safely. Keep it on for at least 12 hours. 

You want to clean the area twice a day with mild soap and warm water. Avoid very hot or very cold water. We might also provide a healing serum to speed up the process. 

Remember to keep the treatment area out of the sun, and do not shave or wax the area until it heals. You also want to avoid swimming pools, saunas, and hot tubs. 

Get Rid of that Unwanted Tattoo

You don’t have to live with a tattoo you no longer like. By turning to laser tattoo removal services, you can help your immune system get rid of the ink particles in a natural manner. 

We offer various cosmetic and medical services at Metro Dermatology in Queens, NY. We can help you with your aesthetic goals while also ensuring you are safe. Give us a call or contact us online today to schedule your consultation.

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