
Is Laser Hair Removal for You?

How would you like to never shave or wax again? Laser hair removal is the most effective hair removal procedure available today, offering permanent hair reduction in a procedure much more comfortable than waxing.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a procedure that can permanently clear unwanted hair from an area. It is the most modern and advanced hair removal method available; no other therapy on the market today can offer such a significant and permanent reduction in unwanted hair.

Laser hair removal uses a concentrated light to heat hair follicles to the point where they no longer grow hairs. Different types of laser are used depending on the patient’s hair type and shade of skin; one variation, intense pulsed light (IPL) uses a light that is in fact not a laser, but the principles behind the procedure are the same. Depending on the patient’s skin and hair type, the doctor may adjust the laser’s strength and the duration of the light pulse.

Laser hair removal is a relatively new procedure, practiced experimentally for a few decades but not released commercially until the late 1990s by an MIT graduate. It is the most modern method of hair removal, and every day more patients discover its benefits versus older methods like shaving and waxing.


Is Laser Hair Removal Right for Me?

If you’re ready to permanently reduce your leg, armpit, or other hair and never shave or wax again, you’re probably a good candidate for laser hair removal. There are lasers designed for every skin and hair type, so the doctors can develop a treatment plan for anyone.

How is Metro Dermatology Different?

Metro Dermatology has locations throughout New York City; our main office is in Elmhurst, but we also have locations in Flushing, the Bronx, and Englewood, New Jersey. Our team is as diverse as the neighborhoods we serve, and we speak many languages in order to best help all customers; we speak English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese, Thai, Korean, Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi. Our team is led by highly accomplished doctors who have a deep understanding of health.

If you’re curious about laser hair removal in Elmhurst, Flushing, the Bronx, or Englewood, call us today at 718-886-9000 to schedule an appointment.

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