
What Skin Conditions Does Laser Toning Treat?

At Metro Dermatology in New York, we offer laser toning treatments to patients who want to improve the quality and texture of their skin. We recommend this non-invasive treatment because it is a gentler alternative to ablative laser treatments. Laser toning is a great treatment for patients who want a more refreshed appearance. Below we highlighted some concerns and issues this non-invasive treatment can address.
Melasma is a skin condition that causes gray or brown patches to appear on your skin. If you are suffering from this skin condition, you already know that it is difficult to treat. However, dermatological studies have proven that laser toning effectively treats melasma and other skin conditions.
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation commonly referred to as PIH is a type of hyperpigmentation that occurs following a skin disorder, inflammatory lesion, or injury. This skin condition can appear on any skin type. Paring laser toning with topical lightening creams can help treat post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Dark Spots
Laser toning can also help treat dark spots on your face that are not associated with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma or other skin conditions. The laser energy from laser skin toning machines penetrates below the surface of the skin to zap these dark spots while leaving surrounding healthy skin undamaged.
Freckles are small light brown or pale brown spots on the skin. These spots occur in areas that are exposed to the sun, especially on the face or arms. Recent studies have shown that laser therapies can reduce the appearance of unwanted freckles by more than 80 percent.
Acne Scarring
Several cosmetic treatments can treat acne scarring. In recent times, laser toning has emerged as an impressive treatment option. The laser energy penetrates deep in the dermis to break pigmented lesions and promote the production of new collagen.
Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects more than 20 million people across the world. This skin condition is associated with facial flushing, facial redness, red bumps, and visible blood vessels. According to the International Rosacea Foundation, certain types of lasers can be used to treat rosacea.
Start Your Treatment Today
To determine which type of treatment is suited to your particular skin condition, contact the experts at Metro Dermatology in New York to schedule your initial consultation today! We can create a customized plan that’s tailored to your needs.

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