
The Three Best Tips for Younger-Looking Skin

If you could somehow have access to the Fountain of Youth, you could get instantly younger-looking skin. Fortunately, even though the Fountain of Youth is a myth, thanks to the latest information and innovations in skin care, younger-looking skin is still very possible. Here are three tips on how to achieve it:
1. Even Skin Tone
Uneven skin tone makes you look older than your years. If you have a condition such as dyschromia, you could feel like your skin doesn’t truly reflect your age. Other skin tone blemishes may be caused by hyperpigmentation or overexposure to the sun. If you want to have younger-looking skin almost overnight, one of the best things you can do is get even skin tone procedures done at our dermatologist’s office. Procedures like dyschromia treatment and vitamin c iontophoresis can help improve the evenness of your skin tone.
2. Laser Toning
Over time, skin sags from lack of collagen. Unfortunately, it doesn’t just happen in old age. Even young women may suffer from sagging skin due to various underlying causes. You deserve to have young looking, supple skin for as long as possible. Laser toning works to bring back that toned look to sagging skin. You can get this treatment at our dermatologist’s office in one visit. It’s a non-invasive treatment that is also pain-free. Your skin will be rejuvenated with a firmer texture and appearance, resulting in younger-looking skin.
3. Hydrate
Your skin needs plenty of moisture; not only to avoid dryness, but also to perform all the processes it undergoes on a daily basis. When you fail to drink enough water, your skin ages faster, struggles to stay moist, and may not be able to produce collagen, turn over skin cells and more. The single best thing you can do for younger-looking skin is to hydrate. This means drinking water, but it also means avoiding things that dehydrate you, such as sun exposure, alcohol and caffeine. If you dislike drinking water, remember that you can hydrate by consuming water-rich fruits and vegetables such as cucumber and watermelon. You can also carbonate your water and infuse it with fresh fruits like lemon, orange and lime to vary the taste.
These are three great ways to get younger looking skin. They aren’t exactly the Fountain of Youth, but they are certainly the next best thing! If you are interested in all of the other ways the professionals at Metro Dermatology can rejuvenate your skin, consider paying our Elmhurst office a visit. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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