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When Should You Get Professional Help for Acne Scars?

Do you have persistent acne scars that don’t respond to your current skincare routine? We know how frustrating and embarrassing this issue can be. At Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY, we can help you achieve clear, smooth skin with the help of our world-class acne scar treatments. But when should you seek professional help for acne scars? Keep reading to discover how to get rid of acne scars and look your best.

Is It Time To Get Professional Help for Acne Scars?

If you are bothered by acne scars and do not have active breakouts, then you may get professional help for your skin concerns. Many people get acne scar treatment around ages 20 and 30, during which they have better control of their acne and would like to know how to get rid of acne scars.

Acne scars may not improve over time, and delaying professional treatment can cause them to worsen. The natural aging process causes our skin to lose collagen and become less elastic, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation. By knowing how to get rid of acne scars earlier, you’ll enjoy more successful treatment outcomes.

Can You Wait for Scars To Fade or Get Better With Time?

Some types of acne scars get better with age. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to acne may eventually fade as your skin exfoliates naturally, but other types of acne scars tend to become permanent. If you have depressed or atrophic scars, you may need professional help to achieve smoother, healthy-looking skin.

With age, as we lose collagen and elastin in the skin, depressed acne scars may even look more severe. It’s more common to notice acne scars becoming more prominent in your 30s and beyond, as the skin loses its natural structure and firmness.

Is It Possible To Treat All Types of Acne Scars?

At Metro Dermatology, we offer various treatments that can minimize all types of acne scars. We can personalize your treatment plan based on your current skin condition and aesthetic goals.

We can treat acne scars related to hyperpigmentation and textural issues. Whether you have rolling scars, ice-pick scars, or boxcar scars, we can find you the most suitable treatment to restore the natural appearance of your skin. We can also perform a combination of treatments to reduce multiple types of acne scars.

What Results Can You Expect?

After getting a series of treatments based on your skin condition and treatment goals, you can expect long-lasting results. Visible changes in your skin after acne scar treatment typically become visible within a few weeks or months. Topical treatments can take up to four months to show significant results, while energy-based treatments and more aggressive options can give you noticeable results in as little as four to six weeks.

How To Get Rid of Acne Scars With Professional Treatment

Our team can provide you with multiple acne scar treatment options. These treatments are safe, non-invasive, and proven to deliver outstanding results. There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for fading acne scars, so having the right treatment plan based on your needs is crucial to your treatment success.

When customizing your treatment plan, we will consider your age, skin type, and preferences. Here are some of our most common treatments for acne scars:

Topical Solutions

Products containing retinoids are excellent for treating acne breakouts as well as reducing the appearance of acne scars. Retinoids are known for their ability to accelerate skin cell turnover and trigger your skin’s natural exfoliation process. Lightening creams or gels containing retinoids may be prescribed to you to minimize acne scars by speeding up the shedding of damaged skin cells.

In addition to improving the texture of your skin, retinoids can also help regulate sebum production and prevent your pores from becoming clogged. This process can help manage your acne breakouts while improving the appearance of your pores. If you are concerned with pigmented acne scars, topical treatments with retinoids can help you achieve a smoother and more even skin tone.

Collagen Induction Therapy

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that helps induce collagen production in the skin. When used for acne scar treatment, microneedling can help address pigmented and depressed acne scars. This treatment works by creating microchannels in the skin and stimulating the production of essential proteins that heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Aside from fading acne scars, microneedling can also resurface your skin for a more youthful, healthy-looking glow. This treatment can minimize textural concerns and smooth away a combination of acne scars. For example, if you have rolling scars with hyperpigmentation, microneedling can help renew the surface of your skin and brighten your appearance.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels remove the topmost layer of your skin to minimize blemishes and imperfections, including acne scars. There are different types of chemical peels available at our practice, and we can customize each one to suit your skin condition and treatment goals. If you have sensitive skin and would like to fade acne scars gradually, then a shallow or light peel might be a better option.

Injectable Treatments

Dermal fillers, which can be injected into areas with persistent acne scars, temporarily increase the volume of your skin. This treatment can help you achieve a more even, smoother skin surface. If you have very deep acne scars, such as ice-pick scars on the cheeks or chin, dermal filler injections can give you instant, dramatic results. We can also use dermal fillers to address your anti-aging concerns such as fine lines and facial folds.

Energy-Based Treatments

Laser treatments and IPL therapy are two other options for addressing acne scars. IPL therapy can reduce skin damage as well as hyperpigmentation, helping you achieve an overall improvement in skin tone and texture. IPL therapy uses light wavelengths that trigger the skin’s natural rejuvenation and exfoliation processes. If you have acne-related scarring and hyperpigmentation, IPL can be a good option. This treatment needs no downtime and is well-tolerated even by sensitive skin types.

On the other hand, laser treatments target the deeper layers of the skin. Laser treatments may involve a combination of thermal and radiofrequency energy to trigger collagen production in the skin. The increase in collagen production helps improve the appearance of acne scars and other superficial skin concerns. Laser treatments resurface and exfoliate the skin, making it a more aggressive or advanced type of acne scar treatment.

Why You Should Seek Professional Treatment

There are many reasons why many people choose to visit a dermatologist for acne scar treatment. First of all, over-the-counter products for acne scars may not always provide you with effective outcomes. This is especially true if you have persistent acne scars that do not seem to get better over time.

By seeking our professional assistance, you can enjoy many benefits such as:

Personalized Treatment Plan

During your consultation for acne scar treatment, we will carefully assess your skin type, the severity of acne scars, and the results you are expecting. Based on our professional analysis, we will provide you with a customized treatment plan that aims to provide you with your desired results as soon as possible. As a result, you can save more time and money in the long term.

Powerful Treatments and Effective Products

By getting professional help for your acne scars, you’ll get access to innovative treatments and powerful products that cannot be purchased in retail stores. If you have tried using various creams and home remedies for acne scars, do not be discouraged if you haven’t seen results with these options. Our professionals can prescribe tested and proven solutions that will help you get the clear, smooth skin you deserve.

Overall Skin Improvement

We specialize in multiple cosmetic and medical services, and acne scar treatment is only one of our offerings. When you visit us for a consultation, we can also talk about your other skin concerns related to aging or aesthetics. It’s possible to combine various treatment options to address multiple issues simultaneously, so you can enjoy an overall improvement in your appearance.

Discover Professional Acne Scar Treatment Options

Achieving smooth, healthy-looking skin when you’ve had acne scars for many years can be a challenging journey. But with professional help, you can get all the guidance and care that you need. Contact Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY, so we can listen to your concerns today. Our team will be happy to provide you with the most effective solutions to help you look your best.

John Kim

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