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Who Is a Good Candidate for Ultherapy?

Ultherapy one of the most unfortunate things about growing older is the ways in which your skin changes. Your skin loses elasticity and can give in to wrinkles and begin to sag. Sure, there are surgical options, but those come with pain and recovery time. Ultherapy is the best non-surgical alternative to a facelift. It works from the inside out to help your skin firm up and reduce sagginess, taking years off your appearance. This treatment is the only one of its kind because it reaches beneath the surface in a way no other non-invasive treatment can. Metro Dermatology, in Elmhurst, NY, is the best place to rejuvenate your skin.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Ultherapy?

Are you looking for a way to tighten up your skin and look younger? This treatment might be the perfect way for you to achieve your dreams. A good candidate for this treatment is someone whose skin has a degree of laxity and appears, or feels less firm. You might notice that you’ve begun to develop loose skin under the neck and under the chin, or lines and wrinkles on the chest.

Most candidates for this treatment are in their late 30s and older. However, more and more young people are seeing the benefits of starting early to stay ahead of the game by decreasing the laxity in their skin and increasing their collagen production. This therapeutic treatment is an effective way to turn back the clock, but there are some people who should avoid this treatment. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you shouldn’t have this treatment until after you have given birth and are no longer breastfeeding.

If you have an autoimmune disease or a connective tissue disorder, such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, having this treatment could cause a flare-up of your disorder. If you have an active infection, it’s recommended that you wait until the infection clears up before having this treatment. And if you have cystic acne, an open wound, or implants in the area being treated, you should avoid treating that area.

How Does This Treatment Work?

This FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment uses ultrasound technology to kick-start the production of collagen within your body and tightens your skin. It works by targeting the areas beneath the skin with a micro-focused ultrasound to tighten and lift the skin. During the course of the treatment, the ultrasound produces an image of the skin and the underlying connective tissue to allow for precision in treatment.

Then, the technician uses focused, pulsing sound energy to lift and tighten your problem skin areas. The technology allows the physician to precisely deliver energy to the correct tissues at the optimal depth and temperature to stimulate collagen production and tighten connective tissue.

The micro-focused ultrasound generates a thermal effect beneath the skin. This thermal effect works to jump-start the production of new collagen. Other nonsurgical options simply don’t compare because they can’t reach tissue at a deep level.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Areas of the Body Can Undergo This Treatment?

This treatment is most commonly performed on the face, neck, and chest. It’s also pretty common to have the treatment performed on only the eyebrows or another specific portion of your face. However, if you’re looking to have other areas treated, simply talk with your practitioner about what areas you are looking to treat, and they likely will be able to do so.

2. What Does Collagen Have to Do With This?

We’ve talked about how this treatment is so effective because it targets collagen and stimulates its production. But what does that mean?

There are three major components of your skin: collagen, elastin, and glycosaminoglycans. Collagen is a protein that actually makes up over 80% of a person’s skin, as well as other tissues, organs, muscles, and bones. Collagen provides your skin, and other body parts, with strength and structure. On the other hand, elastin gives your skin its ability to stretch.

Collagen and Aging

As we grow older, parts of our bodies begin to break down and weaken; collagen is one of those substances that deteriorate with age. That’s why as you age, your skin tends to lose its firmness and become somewhat loose. As you age, your skin becomes thinner and drier. The collagen and elastin become disconnected, which forces your skin to develop sags and wrinkles.

Not only does your existing collagen begin to breakdown, but the growth of new cells and new collagen slows down as well. This can also lead to your skin appearing dull-colored because your dead skin cells do not shed as quickly as they did when you were younger.

Collagen breakdown from aging is called intrinsic aging, because it is occurring due to you getting older and your hereditary skin health. But your skin can also age, or break down, due to external forces; this is called extrinsic aging.

Collagen Breakdown From Extrinsic Aging

Beyond just the passage of time, there are things that promote the breaking down of collagen. Sun damage is one of the most common reasons that collagen deteriorates in the skin. You might have noticed that people who have been spending too much time in the sun for years on end have more wrinkled, leathery skin. This is due to the breakdown of the skin’s collagen in response to sun exposure.

Smoking tobacco is another common way that people expedite the breakdown of their skin’s collagen. The tobacco found in cigarettes contains chemicals that stimulate enzymes that destroy collagen. Tobacco also slows down the fibroblastic cells, which are responsible for producing collagen. That’s why smokers tend to age more quickly and may have skin that appears wrinkled or dried out.

3. What Can I Expect From This Treatment?


Before Ultherapy you have your treatment with Metro Dermatology, you’ll come into our office to have a consultation. During the consultation, you will want to tell your technician about any medical conditions you have, especially any skin conditions you currently have or have had in the past. You will also want to tell them about any medications you take, including supplements or herbs, as these can have an effect on your skin. If you use any medication on your skin, your technician may ask you to stop using it before your treatment.

The actual preparation for your treatment is rather minimal. Maintain your sleeping, eating, drinking, exercise, and work routines before your treatment. On the morning of your treatment, you should remove any makeup from your skin, as well as any other skincare products you use near the area you are having treated.

The Treatment

The Ultherapy technician performing your treatment at Metro Dermatology will start by cleaning the areas of your skin that are being treated. Once the areas are completely clean and dry, they will apply an ultrasound gel. Then, the device will be placed against your skin. The ultrasound viewer will allow the technician to view and target, with extreme precision, the underlying muscles and skin of the area being treated.

Once the technician has adjusted the device to the appropriate settings for your unique needs, they will deliver micro-focused ultrasound energy to the exact area being targeted, stimulating the collagen production process. You may experience some tingling sensations or heat during the treatment, but it is a pleasant, not painful, sensation. Once the treatment is over, they will remove the applicator from your skin. It’s a simple and easy process that will give you a new lease on life.

Depending on the size of the area being treated, you can expect the full treatment to last up to an hour and a half. If you’re only having your chest done, the treatment might only take half an hour, but the face and neck areas can take longer, up to 60 or 90 minutes.

After the Treatment

There should not be any downtime after your treatment. You can resume your normal activities at work, exercise, and socializing immediately after the therapeutic treatment. The results aren’t immediate, though. It can take a couple of days for you to see the difference that is made when your collagen production is stimulated and increased. You will notice that your wrinkles are reduced and less visible, and your skin no longer sags.

The Ultherapy results gradually build over time as the increased collagen production continues for between 2 to 6 months. You might benefit from sessions in the future to help you maintain your results.

4. How Is This Treatment Different From Other Skin Treatments?

This treatment is different from others in essentially every way. Ultherapy truly works from the inside out in a way that no other treatment does. Because this treatment involves ultrasound imaging, it allows the technician to see the specific tissues they are treating and deliver ultrasound energy that results in the body healing itself by strengthening collagen production. This treatment allows you to turn back the years like no other.

5. Does This Treat Turkey Neck?

If you’re not familiar with the term, “turkey neck” is a colloquial name given to the way skin tends to drape off the neck on people as they age. It somewhat resembles a turkey’s neck, hence the name. And yes, this treatment is the only FDA-approved non-invasive treatment for “turkey neck.” It allows you to take the years off without having a doctor wield a scalpel.

6. How Is This Treatment Different From Laser Treatments?

Laser treatments have long been used to help the skin appear younger. But, laser treatments can only treat the skin, because they utilize light energy. This treatment, however, uses sound energy, which penetrates beneath the skin to stimulate and treat tissues at specific depths.

No other non-invasive treatment is capable of reaching those depths, much less increasing temperature within those depths without affecting or injuring the overlying skin. Lasers are effective to treat superficial color and texture, but you need this treatment to reach within your skin, revitalizing, and lifting it.

Ultherapy Is an Investment in Yourself

Ultherapy Benefits is the only treatment that penetrates deep into the tissues beneath your skin to give them the power to radically turn back the clocks. By helping your body stimulate more collagen, you are able to reclaim that tight skin and youthful glow that you’ve been missing. You can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and give your skin the structure and firmness that it needs.

This revolutionary treatment is the only one that allows your skin to heal itself and rejuvenate from the inside out. If you’re ready to experience a whole new you, it’s time to give Metro Dermatology a call. To make an appointment for a consultation, or to have other questions answered, give us a call today at Metro Dermatology, in Elmhurst, NY.

John Kim

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