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Fractional Resurfacing for Acne Scars

If you have ever had acne, you know that there are times you don’t want to show your face in public. But when you have an outbreak, you know that it will go away and eventually, you will feel comfortable in your own skin again. However, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes acne leaves scars behind and you might feel as if you are never going to get away from the blemishes acne has left behind. You may have tried makeup, creams, and anything else you can get your hands on, but the acne scars are still there. What do you do?

The good news is that modern technology has brought many options to the table in order for you to deal with your acne scars and get more comfortable in your skin. Fractional CO2 skin resurfacing is one great option. This resurfacing technique can erase years from your skin and improve the appearance of any wrinkles or pigment issues you have. It also deals with acne scars that may have been left behind from one or more breakouts you’ve had.

In the past, laser treatments like these removed the entire surface of the skin and the healing process was lengthy. Fractional CO2 resurfacing uses small columns of energy to simply correct the areas that are damaged. The doctor will make tiny wounds and surround them with your already healthy skin to help it heal better and faster. The wounded areas will make new collagen and elastin and string it all together with ease.

By targeting the areas of your skin that need the help as opposed to your whole skin surface, the treatment can all be done at one time with a local anesthesia. You will see mild improvement in wrinkles and discoloration as well as a big improvement in the scarred areas. Skin tightening is a result of the process as well.

When you finish the procedure, you will have a set of specific skin care instructions you will have to follow. Your skin may be tender and sore before it completely heals. It will likely be a month before you can see the full results of the procedure, but once you have healed, you will see the difference.

At Metro Dermatology, our medical team can assess your skin and your aesthetic concerns during your consultation. We can then offer recommendations for safe, effective treatments that are best for you and your skin. If you want to find out more about fractional resurfacing to help you get rid of your old acne scars, schedule a consultation at Metro Dermatology to talk over your questions.

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